Monday 15 April 2013

Sailing Adventures

Sailing is an activity like no other. It can change so much from one day to the next, since it really depends on the weather. Big waves with no wind, big wind with no waves, no wind and no waves, or big wind and big waves will all provide a very different experience for thesailor . If you've only ever sailed one time, then chances are very good, that the next time you go out it will be a totally different experience. The trick, is to do enough sailing that you have a good feel for sailing in all types of conditions. Speed Demon or Just Enjoying The View The other factor that greatly affects your sailing experience is your reason for doing it in the first place. Sailers can be easily grouped into two categories. There are the cruisers. These are the folks who like to spend days on end in anchorages, exploring coves and inlets, and just basically going where ever the wind blows them. My kind of sailors. Then we have the racers. These guys love going fast. Not just going fast, but going faster than anyone else. To the typical power boater this may sound kind of funny, since they assume that all sailboats go slow. But, I guess it's all relative. Sailing along at 12 knots, pointing tight into the wind is far different from a cruiser coasting along at 5 knots on a gentle beam reach. Choose Your Poison Of course the type of boat you decide to do your sailing in, can greatly affect your experience. The type of sail boat, could also be broken down into two categories. There are the planing boats. These are boats like catamarans with two hulls, the really move on top of the water. If they really get sailing fast, one of the hulls will lift out of the water, further reducing the resistance of the water, and moving the boat even faster. The sail boats not falling into the category of planing boats are called displacement boats. They sail through the water instead of on top of the water. What they tend to give up in speed to the planing boats, they gain in other amenities, like large living space down below. Whether your a racer, a cruiser, or if you would prefer a planing or displacement boat, sailing is a truly wonderful experience. Of course, if you enjoy one type of boat and one type of racing, don't limit yourself. Try them all. Having a multitude of choices is one of the thing that makes boating fun for everyone.

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